Glossary of common car warranty terms
We promise to communicate in plain English – but there are some unavoidable warranty terms you’ll find with all providers. Here, we’ll explain what each of those terms means.
Inclusion of any of the following optional items as shown on Your Plan Schedule: Air Bag Addition, Air Conditioning Addition, Driver Assistance, Emissions Failure, Electric Vehicle Addition, Labour Rates, MoT Failure, Multi-media.
Administration Fee
A fee of £35 to cover our administration costs and expenses.
Any information you may have supplied to us
Approved Repairer
A repair garage authorised by Warrantywise who operates on an account basis with Warrantywise.
This is where a mechanical or electrical Part suddenly and unexpectedly stops working and requires immediate repair or replacement before it will work again.
Cancellation fee
A fee of £50.00 to cover our cancellation expenses
Cancellation Period
A period of 30 days from Your Issue Date.
Consequential Failure
Is where a component (not necessarily included in Your Plan) fails and causes the Breakdown of a Part included in Your Plan (sometimes called the domino effect)
An agreed monetary contribution to be paid by you towards the value of each repair which will be shown in Your Plan Schedule.
Failure Due to Wear and Tear
This is where a mechanical Part suddenly and unexpectedly, develops a premature fault resulting in the Part failing before your Vehicle reaches 10 years of age or 100,000 miles from the date of manufacture, which if not repaired or replaced, will more than likely lead to a Breakdown of the Part before the expiry of Your Plan (sometimes called fatigue).
Geographical Limits
The area in which Your Plan is effective which includes; Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Channel Islands. Your main residence must be within this area
History Checks
Independent verification of your Vehicle’s mileage, market value, MoT and to determine if it’s been exported, imported, declared an insurance write off or a stolen vehicle. These checks are conducted at the time you take out the warranty at our own cost using data from the DVLA, DVSA, Police and from independent companies.This information is constantly updated, is not exhaustive and may alter at any future date, therefore we cannot guarantee total accuracy at any point in time.
Independent Vehicle Examiner
An independent expert witness (not a member of Warrantywise’s staff) qualified in motor vehicle engineering theory and practice, with specific knowledge and expertise relevant to Your Vehicle and the Part being examined.
Issue Date
The date you entered into (purchased) Your Plan
Labour costs will be paid up to the maximum hourly Labour rate noted on Your Plan Schedule, including VAT. We will not pay more than the hourly Labour rate usually charged by your Repairer to its customers or via the 1Link Platform, if less. Repair times will be limited to those in the latest Autodata manual or as listed in the manufacturer’s recommended repair times guide or in our reasonable discretion if no such data exists.
Level of Your Plan
As specified within Your Plan document, together with any Additions as detailed within Your Plan Schedule.
1Link Platform
1Link is an electronic web based invoicing and payment platform used by many of our Authorised Repairers.
Mileage Photo
A recent photograph of your Vehicle’s complete dashboard display when the engine is running including milometer to verify Your Plan Start Date
Maximum technically permissible laden mass as detailed within your vehicle handbook and/or chassis plate.
OE Parts
Original Equipment Parts which are manufactured to the same specification and standards as manufacturer Parts (often from the same supplier but packaged in different boxes).
Any mechanical or electrical Part, capable of replacement, which forms part of your Vehicle’s original specification and is included within the Level of Your Plan. (Mechanical Parts have contact, movement and function. Electrical Parts are powered by electricity. Unless specifically mentioned, wiring, connectors, pipes, hoses and rubber bushes are not included).
Parts Cost
For repairs at a franchised main dealer, charged within the Labour rate you have selected, we will pay the manufacturer’s list price of Parts in all other cases, we will not pay more than the available motor factor recommended retail price of OE Parts, including VAT. Parts which can only be sourced from outside the United Kingdom will be reimbursed at the United Kingdom price of an equivalent Part. We may, at our discretion, supply Parts to your Repairer directly or have Parts repaired by a specialist Repairer of our choice or use reconditioned Parts.
Parts Replaced in Pairs
The following covered Parts (when and where included within the Level of Your Plan) if recommended by the manufacturer of your Vehicle to be replaced in pairs, when only one Part has suffered a Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear: Brake discs, brake drums, coil road springs, and hydraulic shock absorbers.
Period of Your Plan
The number of months covered as shown on Your Plan Schedule.
Plan Schedule
Issued by us after receiving payment based upon the Application made to us and which confirms our acceptance of Your Plan.
Plan Start Date
The date Your Plan begins, as detailed within Your Plan Schedule. Unless you specifically request an alternative date, this will be 14 days after the date you entered into Your Plan. If we have requested a Mileage Photo, Your Plan will start on the date and time we receive this or the Plan Start Date, whichever the latter, and from the mileage displayed in that photograph provided this is received within the following 30 days.
A full-time VAT registered business providing a motor vehicle repair service within the Geographical Limits. We may, at our discretion, request you use a repairer of our choice. When we exercise this right we will pay the reasonable cost of transport, if any.
Repair Cost
The total of Labour and Parts and diagnostics Cost, in pounds sterling including VAT. If your Repairer charges more than Your Plan provides you will have to pay the difference.
Repair Number
A number issued by us to you or to your Repairer as proof that a repair has been authorised
Servicing Handbook
The handbook issued with the Vehicle by the manufacturer (or within the Vehicle’s integrated data information centre) which details the servicing and maintenance requirements for your Vehicle.
Single Repair Limit
The maximum amount that Your Plan will pay per Breakdown or per Failure Due to Wear and Tear, including VAT. The Single Repair Limit includes all Repair Costs against the Level of Your Plan including, Additions, Vehicle Recovery, Vehicle Hire, Hotel or Travel Expenses, less any Contribution as shown on Your Plan Schedule. Any alteration to this limit requested by you will not become effective for 30 days and 1,000 miles (whichever occurs later) after the date of request.
Value Added Tax which will be calculated at the prevailing rate. We cannot legally pay you the VAT element of any Repair Cost without a VAT invoice made out to Warrantywise Limited.
Only the Vehicle as identified on Your Plan Schedule (subject to the accepted categories below).
(Acceptable categories of Vehicles are: Any motor car, box van or camper van, up to 3500 kgs MTPLM, motor home up to 7500 kgs MTPLM, touring caravan up to 8 metres in overall length and 1850kgs MTPLM or 2 wheeled motor cycles up to 1800cc engine capacity).
Note: If you take out Plans for two or more Vehicles at the same time, you will be provided with a separate Plan for each Vehicle.
Vehicle Value
The maximum amount that Your Plan will pay in total during the Period of Your Plan, including VAT as shown on Your Plan Schedule, limited to the retail value of your Vehicle as defined by us or in Glass’s Guide, Parkers Guide (or similar) at Your Plan Start Date, or the purchase price if lower.
Worn Out Parts
These are Parts which due to prolonged use over time, abuse, neglect, lack of correct routine maintenance are worn out and at the end of their expected serviceable life. They will require repair or replacement at your own cost.
Your Plan
Your Application, Level of Your Plan details and Plan Schedule, together with this booklet contain the full terms and conditions of Your Plan.