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Provide us with few details about your used vehicle & we’ll quote you a price for complete peace of mind motoring.

  • Cover for when your manufacturer warranty expires
  • Financial protection for used cars from expensive repair costs
  • Car hire, roadside assistance and travel costs covered as standard

Does car warranty cover lightbulbs?

Lightbulbs for the interior or exterior of your vehicle are not covered by car warranties. They are considered wear items on your vehicle and as such, aren’t covered by warranties.

Preparing yourself for replacements

Knowing that your warranty doesn’t cover lightbulbs is the first step to being fully prepared for the eventuality of replacing these vehicle features. We understand that the worst aspect of a failure to any part of a vehicle is that dreaded question: ‘How much will it cost to repair it?’

Knowledge is the best defence in these situations. Knowing what to expect in terms of cost means there will be no surprises if your head or tail lights burn out and the bulbs are not covered by your car warranty.

Simply look up the make and model of your vehicle and price the cost of replacing each of the different lightbulbs in your car. Where possible, put funds away for the eventuality of having to make these replacements.

Different bulbs, different lifespans

With lightbulbs not covered by warranties, when you do have to replace them, it’s worth knowing what you’re paying for. The lifespan of headlight bulbs will vary depending on a number of factors, including the amount of driving you do in low-level light.

The typical longevity of a Tungsten-Halogen headlight bulb is between 450 to 1,000 hours. Xenon bulbs can last for over 10,000 hours and LED bulbs fitted on some vehicles have a lifespan of 30,000 hours.

Traditional tail light bulbs, usually incandescent, can have a typical longevity of between five to six years, and LED tail lights have a life expectancy of 12 to 13 years.

Safety and the rules of the road

It’s your responsibility to keep the lights on your car in good working order and you should always be vigilant for the sake of your safety and others.

Rules for daytime

Brake lights should activate as soon as you hit the brake pedal, but not be used continuously while queuing in traffic as this can cause glare to cars directly behind you.

In low visibility conditions, like fog, dipped headlights or fog lights should be utilised, but switched off as soon as weather conditions clear up to avoid other motorists being dazzled by them.

Sidelights and lights that illuminate your registration must be used between sundown and sunrise regardless of whether it feels bright enough to you.

Rules for night time

Headlights are to be used at night to guide your way while always being mindful of others.

Full headlights may be necessary at night, but when approaching pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders and fellow motorists, it is advised to dip your lights to avoid others being affected by the glare.

When overtaking, your headlights should remain dipped until your car is in line with the other vehicle before returning to full strength beam. If, as a driver, you are dazzled by glare, you’re advised to slow or stop when it is safe to do so until you can safely see the road once more.

While driving at less than 30 miles an hour in an area with good lighting, drivers are only required to use their side lights at night, but for safety’s sake dipped headlights can be a better choice.

As experts in the automotive industry here at, it is our continuing mission to assist car owners throughout the country in understanding all aspects of their warranties and what is covered.

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No, a car warranty policy will not provide cover for accidental damage.

The type of car warranty policy you have will determine whether turbo is covered or not.

The type of car warranty policy you have will depend on whether your vehicle’s brakes are covered or not.

Modern clutches are designed to be highly durable, but they will eventually wear down and require replacement. So, can you expect your car warranty to cover your clutch? The answer to this question depends on the particular warranty you have.

Bodywork refers to the exterior panels and frames that make up a car. In general, it is not covered by car warranties.

No, a car warranty policy does not provide cover for diagnostic tests.

Whether a fault with a radio is covered by a warranty will depend on the type of fault, the age of the radio, and the type of warranty under which your vehicle is protected.

It is possible to take out car warranty cover that includes towing in the event you need roadside assistance.

Normally, a warranty for a used, nearly new or new car will cover some of the labour associated with replacing or repairing a part which is protected under the terms of the warranty.

Extended car warranties often include air conditioning, but not always. It’s important to check the details of your particular warranty agreement to see whether this feature is included.