Get discounted student driver car insurance today
If you’re planning to go to university or college, having a car can make a huge difference to how independent you feel – and it can also open up work opportunities to run alongside your study. However, we understand that it’s important to budget your money carefully when you’re a student – so the comparison service will do everything it can to find a student insurance policy that suits your pocket.
Finding affordable car insurance for university students often begins with finding the right vehicle. City cars like the Volkswagen Polo and Up!, The Hyundai i10, the Kia Picanto, or Ford’s Fiestas and Ka+ models can really help to keep premiums down – while still providing dependable motoring.
When you’ve found the right car for you, you’ll be able to find cover that’s perfect. You’ll be able to choose between a fully comprehensive policy – and more cost-effective third party only, and third party, fire and theft options. You’ll even be able to opt for a telematics box that lets your insurer know how safely you drive – helping to drop premiums even more. A telematics quote might put some restrictions on when you can drive your vehicle – but when you stand to save a significant amount of money, it’s a sacrifice that’s often well worth making.
Of course, we appreciate that it’s not just your own car that you might want to drive. If you’re heading home during the holidays or between semesters, we can even help you to find short term car insurance if you’re going to be driving a vehicle that belongs to a friend or family.
When you get a quote, the quote form will take as much information onto account as possible – so that you can find a great deal to make sure your university life is as cost effective and independent as possible.