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Who Owns This Number Plate?

There’s a lot you can find out about a vehicle just from glancing at its number plate, and even more if you look it up online using the search facility on the government website. If you know a little about number plates, you can quickly find out how old a car is and where it was first registered.

The first two letters on present day number plates are an area code that represents where the vehicle was initially registered. The third and fourth characters indicate its age. If a car was registered between March and the end of August 2019 for example, these numerals would be 19, while if it was registered after September they would be 69. To pinpoint the age of cars to within six months, these second set of plates issued in a year add 50 to the year date.

With an online search of the DVLA’s database online, however, you can find out much more. The size of the vehicle’s engine and colour can be discovered, along with details about its carbon emissions. You can also track down if a car has been taxed or has a valid MOT.

Due to data protection laws however, you can’t easily find out who owns a number plate. If you’ve ever considered the question ‘who owns this number plate?’, read on for some interesting information on tracing plates.

Making an official request to the DVLA

There are many reasons why you might want to find out who owns a specific number plate. It could be on a vehicle that’s parked in a way that’s a nuisance to you, or even stationed on your private land. You might have seen a vehicle left unattended for a considerable length of time and fear it’s been abandoned. The reason you want to know who owns a plate might even be as simple as you’d like to purchase it, but whatever the reason, your first option is to contact the DVLA directly.

To access this information though, you’ll have to possess what the DVLA refer to as “reasonable cause”.

If you’re trying to track down an individual responsible for an accident, the DVLA can help and will also provide you with information if a vehicle has been left abandoned. You can request details on a plate’s keeper if the vehicle is stationed on private land too.

If you need to trace a number plate to issue parking tickets or trespass notices, you can contact the DVLA but must be either a member of the International Parking Community or British Parking Association.

The DVLA can also be consulted for information if you’re trying to track a number plate associated with a crime such as a driver pulling away without making proper payment for either services or goods. In this circumstance, you can also approach your local police first either at the station or by phone.

Unfortunately, if you’re simply seeking to purchase a specific number plate and are trying to track it down, the DVLA will refuse to help with your enquiries.

What do I need to make a request to the DVLA?

Along with a valid reason that the DVLA deems acceptable, you’ll need to complete some paperwork. If you’re an individual making the request, you must complete a V888 application form. If you’re a company, use the V888/3 form.

If you’re looking for certain number plate on a particular date, you can also use the V888/2A application form to find its registered keeper.

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