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Can I scrap my car without a V5C?

Many customers ask, “Can I sell my car without a V5?” or “Can you scrap a car without a V5?” The answer is yes – but you do still have legal responsibilities that normally involve the V5C log book.

Scrapping a car involves some paperwork – most significantly, the official DVLA V5C certificate. However, we realise that a lot of people have lost their V5 document – so we’ve put together a quick guide that covers what we and the DVLA need if you scrap a car without a V5.

What is the V5C?

A V5C document is an official form that proves your car is registered with the DVLA, and that you are the ‘registered keeper’ responsible for that car. 

If you’re searching for a lost V5 log book, remember; despite the name, you’re not looking for a book – so don’t confuse the log book with your service record book. A V5C log book is really just a form. The cover of a V5C is mostly red – with a few blue and pale red sections. Inside, a V5C has yellow, green, blue and white sections that can be easily torn out.

The V5C is most often used when any changes occur that the DVLA need to know about; for instance, a change of address, change of registration number – or, in this case, when the car is sold or transferred to a trader or dismantler. To inform the DVLA of a change, you complete the appropriate section of the V5C, then send it back. When that change been processed, a new, updated version of the log book will be returned to you. 

How to scrap a car without a V5

Whether you’re transferring or selling a car, the V5 log book document is useful – but not essential. Here, we’ll detail what our scrap collection partner will need from you if you need to scrap a car without a V5 – as well as what you’ll need to send the DVLA if you’re hoping to scrap a car without the V5.

What will the person who is picking your car up need?

Your vehicle log book is a useful place to find a lot of information that’s required by our scrap collection partners – so if you’ve lost your V5 form, all you really have to do is provide the same information.

Since the V5C has your address on it, the person collecting your car will need to see a different proof of address. A utility (gas, electric, water, council tax) bill is ideal – and it should be dated within the last 3 months. 

Aside from your proof of address, our collection partners always need to see a form of photo ID – ideally a passport or driving licence. This might seem like a lot to provide – but the scrap yards we deal with must make sure they abide by the law surrounding scrap metal collections. Don’t worry; our collection partner won’t need to take any of your documents away – they just need to see them.

What will you need to send to the DVLA?

The DVLA have no problem if you need to scrap a vehicle without a V5, but it is your legal responsibility to make sure you provide them with the information they require to keep their records up to date.

Again, the information you’ll need to send will be what is normally filled in on section 9 (or section 4 on documents created after April 2019) of the V5 – similar to the change of owner details section – but instead, detailing your intention to sell or transfer your car to a trader, dismantler or insurance company.

Details should include:

  • Date of the sale or transfer
  • Name, address and VAT number of the scrap dealer you’re selling to
  • Your signature and the current date
  • The signature of the person collecting your car

It’s a good idea to write a letter before collection – leaving space for the person who’s collecting your car to complete their details. When complete, this letter should be sent to:

SA99 1AR

What don’t you need?

If you’ve looked for prices to scrap your car elsewhere, you might be under the impression that you’ll have to order a replacement log book through the DVLA V5 online system – but this isn’t the case.

Quite simply; you can scrap a car without a V5C. If it’s suggested that you need to pay the £25 replacement fee – or more likely; have that £25 subtracted from what you’ll be paid for your car, then the person you’re dealing with is misinformed, or trying to make a quick £25!

Problems with scrapping a vehicle without a V5

While you can scrap a car without a V5 – it’s essential to make sure you’re dealing with reputable scrap dealers – as following the wrong advice could land you in legal hot water.

If you don’t send the necessary details to the DVLA when you scrap a car without a V5C, you might remain as the registered keeper of the car after it has left your possession. This can mean that you are liable for any issues relating to the car, including motoring offenses, and environmental issues. What’s more, simply failing to update the DVLA can result in a £1,000 fine.

If you want to be 100% certain that you’re protected when you scrap a car without a V5C; use our service. We’ll make sure you deal with reputable scrap dealers – and they’ll even help you complete the paperwork you need to send.

Other related FAQs

Looking for more related content to this? We’ve picked a selection of related topics that you may find helpful

To scrap your car, you’ll need to provide photo ID and proof of address. While not essential, if you have your V5C registration document, this may simplify the process.

As part of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013, it is a legal requirement for a scrap metal dealer to verify the full name and address of someone who is handing scrap metal over to them.

You should use the registration document to let the DVLA know you’ve sold your car to a dismantler. You can do this by completing and returning section 9 of the form – or, on V5Cs issued after April 2019; section 4.

A Certificate of Destruction (COD) is a document confirming your car has been disposed of. The certificate is created by the DVLA and sent to the scrap yard that dismantles a vehicle. If you require a COD for your car for insurance or other purposes it is important to request this at time of booking as, even though your car has reached the end of it’s life with you, some of our specialist salvage partners may repurpose your old car via repairing or transplanting it and put it back on the road.

A waste carrier’s licence is a registration you need if you move any kind of waste product – scrap cars included. At, each of our partner dismantlers appears on this register, so you can be confident your vehicle will be handled in line with Environment Agency standards.

If you’ve lost your V5 registration document, sometimes referred to as a title, you can still sell your car for scrap, but you’ll need to inform the DVLA by post after your car’s been successfully scrapped with certain details of the transaction. A useful letter template is available by contacting us.

It’s your legal responsibility to let the DVLA know you’re selling your car for scrap. The easiest way to do this is by using Section 9 of the V5C log book document (or section 4 on V5Cs issued after April 2019) – which your collection driver will be happy to help with.