What difference can scrap cars make to local communities
Our unique way of working will see your scrap vehicle turned into funding for social value projects
Although cars are our passion, it’s actually social value initiatives and community charity work that’s at the heart of what we do.
After helping you to find a great price from a scrap car yard or vehicle recycler for your Audi, a portion of the funds that your car helps us to generate will mean we can provide financial backing for a number of important causes, including:
- HMP Academies: Helping to reduce reoffending rates
- Supported living services: Reducing dependency on social housing
- Food redistribution networks: Creating meals for those experiencing poverty
While these initiatives have a direct impact on the people who use them, the benefits are often felt much more widely. The charity projects we support have been proved to ease the huge demands put on taxpayer-funded services - including the police, local healthcare, the courts, offender management services – and many more.

You can help us make a difference
Your car may have made its last journey on the road – but we’ll make sure it goes on to provide social value for charities and good causes around the country.