Great prices - great service!
We're certain of our excellent prices and our outstanding service because we've already done the hard work for you, by assembling our team of trusted collection partners. No more ringing around countless local scrap Lexus buyers, no waiting for return calls or quotations - it's all taken care of in one place, and with just a couple of clicks. Our online system gathers the information you need and delivers it straight away when you want to find out how much you can get for scrapping your Lexus.
Within our collection partners, we have a selection of Lexus scrap recycling specialists. Some of our partners only deal in one specific make of car or with particular models of vehicle. They recycle the reclaimed used parts and sell them over the used car parts market. These partners will often offer you a higher price for your scrap quotation. It's one more way goes even further to provide you with the best possible prices for your Lexus scrappage.
Our helpful and efficient experts will be there every step of the process - they'll guide you to correctly complete the DVLA paperwork and make sure of your prompt payment. It's the complete scrap Lexus valuation to removal service.
Recycling your Lexus and supporting good causes
When you organise your Lexus disposal, you probably don't know how much of your car is actually being recycled. 95% of the materials from every vehicle in the UK, including your own scrap Lexus, will be recycled. From the different types of metals; including highly salvaged aluminium sections that are reused in the manufacture of new cars and vehicles, to glass, plastics, fabrics and more. Many manufacturers are involved in the pursuit of recycling materials, so when you scrap your Lexus for money, there's no reason to feel guilty about it ending up in a landfill when so little of it does.
For example, Lexus pioneered the recycling of components and metals from car batteries. They have also introduced ways to convert particular reclaimed components into tungsten, which is subsequently made into highly resilient carbide tools. Their team of designers are constantly looking into new ways to build their cars that means even more of them can be recycled and reused. The benefits are more significant than you probably thought when selling your Lexus for scrap.
Not only is recycling your Lexus helping the environment, use part of the funds they raise to support community projects, charities, and good causes. You're not the only person getting a good deal when you accept a scrap Lexus quote!